but take it with a grain of salt, as many of the stuff his open to interpretation, and IMO some of the videos he make this point is not very well presented.
you just have to have a brain and eyes and observation, and above all patience not to rush things, and the game gets really easier with a bit of practice, once you understand what's going on.įor a beginners playthrough I'd recommend Extra Credit's Dan's First playthrough in which he plays the game blind with his partner (at the start) commenting on the general game design and stuff as they go on.įor a lore in depth run, I'd recommend EpicNameBro's From The Dark, which IMHO is the best Dark Souls playthough (to my knowlegde, at least.) as he is very passionate about the game and the story.įor more lore related stuff though not necessarily game-play go-to place is VaatiVidya, though I don't like his style, is pretty much the lore compendium on YouTube. If you want to know the story and not have to endure the fighting and that, you could watch a lore run of the game on youtube instead of playing it yourself.įirst, I'd say that difficulty wise is NOT as bad as the namco bandai PR and people describe it.